SaveFlame(INSTALLPATH + 'smosplitscombo.flame');//creates the original flame file since it doesn't exist on first run DeleteFile(INSTALLPATH + 'smosplitscombo.flame');//deletes the old flame file for the next run for M := 0 to Options.BatchSize - 1 do begin ShowStatus('Processing ' + IntToStr(M) + ' of ' + IntToStr(Options.BatchSize)); RandomFlame(0); BatchIndex := BatchIndex + 1; smo:=random; { Flame } Clear; Flame.Width := 600; Flame.Height := 800; Flame.Brightness := 12.8913043478261; Flame.Gamma := 2.91; Flame.Scale := 19.8816666666667; Flame.Angle := 1.5707963267949; Flame.X := 0; Flame.Y := 0; Flame.Background[0] := 0; Flame.Background[1] := 0; Flame.Background[2] := 0; { Transform 1 } AddTransform; with Transform do begin for i := 0 to NVARS do Variation[i] := 0; Weight := 0.5; Color := 0.593; Symmetry := 0.172; a := 0.826446; b := 0; c := 0; d := 0.826446; e := 0; f := 0; Opacity := 1 elliptic := 0.7+ smo/5 end; { Transform 2 } AddTransform; with Transform do begin for i := 0 to NVARS do Variation[i] := 0; Weight := 0.5; Color := 0.346; Symmetry := 0.832; a := 1; b := 0; c := 0; d := 1; e := 0; f := 0; Opacity := 1 linear3D := 0.6+ smo/1.5 splits := 0.6+smo/1.5 splits_x := 0.165+ smo/3 splits_y := 0 end; { Final Transform } SetActiveTransform(transforms); Flame.FinalXformEnabled := true; with Transform do begin for i := 0 to NVARS do Variation[i] := 0; Color :=random; a := 0.343554; b := 0; c := 0; d := 0.343554; e := -0.22044; f := -0.212597; juliascope := 1+smo/5 juliascope_power := 5 juliascope_dist := -1.625 end; Flame.Name:= 'smosplitscombo-' + DateCode + '-' + IntToStr(BatchIndex); BatchIndex := BatchIndex; SaveFlame(INSTALLPATH + 'smosplitscombo.flame'); end; ListFile(INSTALLPATH + 'smosplitscombo.flame'); UpdateFlame := True;